Essay 1 Final

Growing up I lived with both my parents and had a great childhood. I grew up in a small town outside the city. There was a lot of farmland and the houses were a good distance apart. I began working and saving money at 14 in a small department store. When I turned 18, I felt it was time to move out. There was no other reason but to want my independence. I was friendly and visited a bunch of times, a little donut shop located near the center of the city. I became friends with Bobby, the owner, and his brother. I had gone to the donut shop for a cup of coffee and a delicious donut one morning and I was talking to him about moving on my own. Bobby had a studio apartment just above the donut shop open up and asked if I would be interested. I jumped on the opportunity.

Bobby had brought me upstairs to the apartment so that I could take a look. It was a great little apartment with a small kitchenette and a full bathroom. It also forces hot air for heat and central air. It had a greyish color carpet in the living area and a light color tile in the kitchenette and the bathroom was all white. The laundry was coin-operated and located at the bottom of the stairs, just outside the apartment door.

Living above a donut shop in the city was a great experience that I’ll always remember. When I moved in during mid-spring, the weather was perfect for leaving the windows open at night, letting in a cool breeze. My first day was on a quiet Saturday afternoon when the donut shop below was closed. It was peaceful as I unpacked and settled into my new place. City life was a big change from where I grew up.
Sunday brought the hustle and bustle of city life. I could hear cars driving by and people chatting outside. By the end of the day, I had finished unpacking and managed to put everything away. I decided to sleep with the windows open that night, thinking it would be a peaceful way to end the weekend and everything that I accomplished. Little did I know what Monday morning had in store.

Around 2 in the morning on Monday, I was awoken by the sound of a car door shutting. I peeked out the window and saw the owner, Bobby of the donut shop arriving to start baking for the day. He was dressed in a white tee shirt and jeans. Despite being woken up earlier than I would have liked, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the delicious smell of freshly made donuts that soon filled my apartment.

The first whiff that greeted me was often the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Bobby took pride in his coffee selection and how it was brewed. The scent was mouthwatering and made you want to jump out of bed and run down to the donut shop. It was a smell of sweet dough, cinnamon, and sugar and it filled the air and tempted my senses. It filled my apartment with a feeling of comfort, making me appreciate living directly above a place where such delicious treats were made fresh daily.

As the morning went on, the unmistakable smell of donuts being fried would follow. It started as a faint hint of dough and then turned into a mouthwatering blend of sweetness and warmth. There were the classics like glazed donuts, their sugary coatings glistening in the donut case, and the cinnamon-sugar donuts that were my weakness with their sweet fragrance.

The beauty of living above the donut shop was not just in the smells but also in the taste. On occasion, Bobby would surprise me with a freshly baked donut and a coffee. The donut practically melted in my mouth. The glaze melted to my hands and also in my mouth. You almost didn’t need to chew; the donut was so light and fluffy. Bobby and I developed an unbreakable friendship over time. He would often share stories about his family and the history of the shop, and I would help him with small tasks when the shop got busy. One morning, he even taught me how to make his favorite donut, a glazed donut, which became my personal favorite.

Each bite reminded me of the craftsmanship and care put into every donut that came from the donut shop. Whether it was a simple glazed ring or a chocolate-frosted donut, each donut carried a unique flavor profile that Bobby had perfected over years of dedication.

The donut shop wasn’t just a place for smells and tastes; it was a gathering spot for the community. Regular customers would come in, and Bobby would greet them by name, asking about their families and lives. One specific memory stands out: there was an elderly man named Ronnie who came in every morning. He would always order the same thing a black coffee and a glazed donut and sit by the window, chatting with Bobby about everything from sports to local news to politics seeing this camaraderie made the shop feel like an extended family, a place where everyone knew each other.

Living above the donut shop became a journey that heightened my appreciation for the small pleasures in life. I could spend hours just sitting there listening to stories and eating donuts. This was a memory that I could never get out of my head. I lived above the shop for three years before I moved out with my girlfriend.

Shortly after moving out into a house back in the small town, I came from we started a family. It was great to live back in the country atmosphere, but the three years I lived above the donut shop will always be stuck in my head as the first time I was on my own how great it was, and how scary yet comfortable I felt being on my own.

It became a tradition for my family. After moving out, I continued to visit the donut shop for years, bringing my children there every Saturday morning for a tasty treat. As the years went on, Bobby had gotten older and the donut shop closed. It was a tradition that ended for our family. Recently, the shop was purchased, and Bobby was asked to teach the new owner. I look forward to going back and enjoying the smell of the warm donuts and the freshly brewed coffee. Hopefully, my children will be able to continue to go there for the years to come and share memories with their children.



Peer Review on Fudge Rounds

Ava, this was a great read. I enjoyed reading it. I know this is a peer review so maybe a couple things you could add to your essay. First would be is there a specific brand of “Fudgie” or fudge round that you like. The other thing is maybe add when you would go to the store. Was it after school or on weekends, other than that I like reading about your experience. I also liked fudge rounds when I was little and sometimes mix it up with a twinkie. Great essay and good luck this semester.

Essay 1

Living above a donut shop in the city was a great experience that I’ll always remember. When I moved in during mid-spring, the weather was perfect for leaving the windows open at night, letting in a cool breeze. My first day was on a quiet Saturday afternoon when the donut shop below was closed. It was peaceful as I unpacked and settled into my new place.

Sunday brought the hustle and bustle of city life. I could hear cars driving by and people chatting outside. By the end of the day, I had finished unpacking and managed to put everything away. I decided to sleep with the windows open that night, thinking it would be a peaceful way to end the weekend and everything that I accomplished. Little did I know what Monday morning had in store.

Around 2 in the morning on Monday, I was awoken by the sound of a car door shutting. I peeked out the window and saw the owner, who goes by Bobby, of the donut shop arriving to start baking for the day. He was dressed in a white tee shirt and jeans. Despite being woken up earlier than I would have liked, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the delicious smell of freshly made donuts that soon filled my apartment.

The first whiff that greeted me was often the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Bobby took pride in his coffee selection. The scent was mouthwatering and made you want to jump out of bed and run down to the donut shop. It was a smell of sweet dough, cinnamon, and sugar and it filled the air and tempted my senses. It filled my apartment with warmth and comfort, making me appreciate living directly above a place where such delightful treats that were made fresh daily. It became a routine, waking up to the mouthwatering smell of donuts and the sound of the people talking and all of the activity below, marking the start of each day in the city.

As the morning went on, the unmistakable smell of donuts being fried would follow. It started as a faint hint of dough and then blossomed into a mouthwatering blend of sweetness and warmth. There were the classics like glazed donuts, their sugary coatings glistening in the donut case, and the cinnamon-sugar donuts that teased me with their sweet fragrance.

The beauty of living above the donut shop was not just in the smells but also in the taste. On occasion, Bobby would surprise me with a freshly baked donut and a coffee. The donut practically melted in my mouth. The glaze melting to my hands and also in my mouth. You almost didn’t need to chew; the donut was so light and fluffy.

Each bite reminded me of craftsmanship and care put into every donut that emerged from the donut shop. Whether it was a simple glazed ring or a chocolate frosted donut, each donut carried a unique flavor profile that Bobby had perfected over years of dedication to his craft.

Living above the donut shop became a journey that heightened my appreciation for the small pleasures in life. The donut shop was just not smells, it was also a place where people could get together and socialize, laugh, and share stories. I could spend hours just sitting there listening to stories and eating donuts.

This was a memory that I could never get out of my head. I continued to go to the donut shop for years after and it became a family tradition. I would bring my children there every Saturday morning and we would get breakfast. Bobby would treat everyone that came in like family and he remembered everyone’s name. It wasn’t just a donut shop; it was like a big family.

As years went on, Bobby had gotten older and the donut shop closed. It was a tradition that ended for our family. Recently the shop was purchased, and Bobby was asked to teach the new owner. I look forward going back and enjoying the smell of the warm donuts and the freshly brewed coffee. Hopefully my children will be able to continue to go there for the years to come.


Essay 1 Draft / Brainstorming

I will write about my first apartment in the city above a donut shop.

I moved in mid-spring. It was a time where you could leave the windows open all night and have a cool breeze blowing in. I moved in on a Saturday afternoon when the donut shop was closed. The first night in the apartment was great as I was unpacking and settling in. Sunday came and there were the sounds of cars driving by and the noise of people talking. I finished unpacking on Sunday and got a lot of stuff put away. Sunday night came and it was going to a good night to sleep with the windows open. Little did I know what the next morning would bring.

Monday morning came and I think it was about 2am, I heard a car door shut. The donut shop didn’t open until 4am. I looked out the window and it was the owner coming in to make donuts. I laid back down and fell asleep for about 20 minutes when I was woken up by the overwhelming smell of something so delicious it’s hard to describe.


Scene/ Summary

Apples which is about apple picking, does a better job of making you feel like you’re right there in the orchard. It describes everything in detail. It tells you how the trees look with apples. It makes you feel like you are right there talking about the sound of leaves in the wind, and the sweet smell of ripe fruit. It also talks about the feelings and experiences of being there. You can almost feel the joy of finding the best apples. It also makes the reader feel like they are part of a family tradition. I can relate to this because my family does this every year.

Scene vs. Summary on the other hand, talks more about the idea of scenes versus summaries in writing. It uses examples from a story to explain its points but doesn’t give you the same vivid experience of being in a specific place or moment.

Corn Tastes Better

“Corn Tastes Better on the Honor System” talks about how Indigenous people grow and value corn differently from modern farming practices. She explains that corn isn’t just food for Indigenous people and that they saw it as a symbol of life and a part of their spiritual and cultural traditions.

Sometimes during the essay, it seems a little confusing when she starts to talk about the indigenous people and how it relates to modern farming. As it goes on it gets a little clearer.

The essay talks about returning to traditional farming practices that honor the sacred relationship between humans and plants. I feel that by embracing the system, we can cultivate not just better-tasting corn, but a more sustainable and respectful way of using the Earth’s resources.

As for the last question, these are the sentences that stuck out to me.

  1. “The old house creaked and groaned like an aging giant as the wind whispered through the cracks in the walls.”

I like this sentence because it uses words and paints a clear picture of the atmosphere surrounding the old house.

  1. “The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, enticing even the most reluctant of passersby to stop and indulge in a warm slice.”

This sentence talks about the sense of smell of the bread and how it grabs people’s hunger.

  1. “His eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint as he recounted the tale of his daring escapade.”

This sentence describes a person’s demeanor and makes the character come alive.

TED Talks

In this video “How to go to space without having to go to space”, they talk about how they simulate and prepare for space missions on Earth. These simulated missions take place in environments that mimic the conditions that they would have in space. During this simulation, he talks about a NASA-funded study that involves a remote dome near a Hawaiian volcano. Inside the dome they conducted research and test on how they could live and work together while isolated.

There was a collaboration between scientists, engineers, and artists to solve the challenges of space. He talked about how important it was to develop sustainable life for long term missions. They used plants and microorganisms to recycle water, air and waste creating an environment similar to earth. He liked to use people from all over to generate new ideas. The isolation is a hard part in space missions, and he believed that having artists involved helped with emotional well-being.

He also believed that earth simulated space missions would help them prepare for space travel. The goal is to prepare for missions to go to the moon, mars or beyond. These studies, he believes, will also help us on our planet. He also likes to involve the public to bring fresh perspectives and ideas. Overall, he has good ideas, and it seems his ideas will help not only in space but also here. The isolation is the hardest part to deal with and if that can be overcome then it would make the missions more successful.


When I was younger, I didn’t really write a lot. I did my work in English class and sometimes wrote down my thoughts. As I got older, I would have to write papers for school and work. It is sometimes hard to start writing for me, but once I get started it seems to flow. I do email use email a lot to contact friends, family and for work, but I have never just written for fun. When writing I tend to be all over the place, and I have to go back and rearrange sentences to make sense. I feel like my type of writing is easier on a computer because it catches my mistakes and misspellings.

Writing for me is a huge weakness and it’s hard for me to focus in and start writing about my thoughts. If I have to write about an incident or something that I have worked on it is a lot easier for me. I don’t really read unless I have to for work.  Reading is also a weakness that I have struggled with since I was a child. Over the years I have become better at it and have been able to gather information and transfer it into a report. I look forward to this class as it will help me with writing and hopefully will make it easier to start a paper.