
When I was younger, I didn’t really write a lot. I did my work in English class and sometimes wrote down my thoughts. As I got older, I would have to write papers for school and work. It is sometimes hard to start writing for me, but once I get started it seems to flow. I do email use email a lot to contact friends, family and for work, but I have never just written for fun. When writing I tend to be all over the place, and I have to go back and rearrange sentences to make sense. I feel like my type of writing is easier on a computer because it catches my mistakes and misspellings.

Writing for me is a huge weakness and it’s hard for me to focus in and start writing about my thoughts. If I have to write about an incident or something that I have worked on it is a lot easier for me. I don’t really read unless I have to for work.  Reading is also a weakness that I have struggled with since I was a child. Over the years I have become better at it and have been able to gather information and transfer it into a report. I look forward to this class as it will help me with writing and hopefully will make it easier to start a paper.

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